The most important thing is – many people have a bias against escorts, wrongly thinking that an escort companion is a kind of a sex slave. Especially some radical feminists and conservative parts of our society often think that being an escort is against women’s rights and their will. This is the biggest nonsense ever. First of all, our ladies are always treated with respect by the clients, and if not so, those clients will be put on a “black list”and never served again.
They are intelligent, polite, and willing to pamper you. They are just missing some warmth and women’s attention, both friendly and erotical. Maybe they are a little bit lonely, and that is why they are looking for YOU.
Secondly, about sex. Of course, being an escort means that during your bookings you will have sex with clients. That is why it is very important to realize when you become a high class escort, that you are not doing this just for the improvement of your financial conditions, but you truly should be passionate, sensual, and in LOVE with SEX.
From the other hand, YOU are in charge of your body, YOU decide what happens next, from kissing and cuddling to massaging each other with a soap foam in a hot tub, from stroking and teasing each other, to having a passionate and rough sex. All up to you and up to a man you are with, just like in your daily life.
You DO NOT need to have any experience to work as a high class escort. On the contrary, we are afraid of types who have been working during 10 years in sex clubs, as independent courtesans or elsewhere in prostitution, because those ladies usually come from a different environment and are more hardened by the life. There is no need for that hardness in high class escort.
It’s not difficult to learn how to be a high class escort. With our explanations and by learning on the job, by looking how other companions perform, by listening to the clients’ fantasies and desires, escort skills will come naturally. Basically, it just means intuitively being A WOMAN, being yourself – cheerful and positive, warm and caring, passionate and romantic, when needed confident and dominant, or on the contrary sweet, soft and cute.